Would you like to experience what it’s like to fully enjoy your relationships with your child/ren, and your role as a parent, instead of feeling a constant sense of frustration and overwhelm? Then this course is for you!

What you will get from my 1:1 parenting course:

My one-to-one 12-week parenting course is all the parenting support, tools and strategies you need to become the parent you want to be. It is suitable for all families, whatever they look like, with children of any age.

With the online course, you will learn:

  • To be clear about your values, intentions and boundaries as a parent
  • Understand yourself and your children better, by learning how the mind and body work
  • Tools and techniques to manage your triggers and stresses, and your child’s big feelings, effectively
  • To communicate empathically with your child, without the need for yelling or threats, to support peace, trust, and collaboration,
  • What you can expect from your child
  • Ways to promote collaboration, respect and understanding
  • Techniques to help you and your child express anger in a healthy way

With my coaching, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Practise calming tools and parenting techniques
  • Ask questions about any course material and integrate the information more effectively
  • Recognise and celebrate what’s going well and what’s progressing
  • Explore what’s keeping you from being the parent you want to be, and find some of the answers you want
  • Find creative solutions to practical issues you are experiencing in your relationship with your child(ren)

You will probably find that all your family relationships become more peaceful, not just the ones you have with your children, and not just the ones they have with you…

What’s included in my 1:1 parenting course:

  • Unlimited access to the full online Transformational Parenting Process modules (supplied by the Jai Institute for Parenting), within 4 hours of enrolment and for as long as you need.
  • 12 x weekly online parenting classes, consisting of 2 to 3 hours of videos (with transcripts) and writeable workbooks, exploring the latest science around our minds and bodies, child development and parenting, and guiding you to become the kind of parent you want to be. You will complete these in your own time and at your own pace.
  • 12 x weekly 1:1 parenting coaching sessions tailored to your needs, lasting 60 minutes each (75 minutes for couples), via Zoom video call (unless otherwise agreed*)
  • Regular emails/text messages with reminders, parenting support notes, and additional content to help you on your journey

*Parenting coaching sessions can take place at your home, depending on your location within Bristol and my availability. Fees will vary accordingly.

I invite you to attend a free discovery call to find out more about the course and how we will work together.

Special offer £900 £1200

Payment plans available (Please give me a call if you would like to discuss options. BG Parenting is a social enterprise).

Cost is per person. Coaching is available for couples for a total investment of £1,200 (reduced from £1,600)

If this is not for you, why not sign up for the Group parenting workshops, so you can explore gently parenting with other parents like you, for £120!

What is Gentle Parenting/Peaceful Parenting?

“Peaceful parenting is parenting with the good of the relationship in mind.”

Jai Institute for Parenting

“No human is always peaceful. Peaceful Parenting just means that we work on ourselves first, so that we aren’t taking our own emotions out on our children.

  • We take responsibility for regulating our own emotions, so we can stay as calm as possible with our children.
  • We set limits with empathy.
  • We reflect before we react, looking for the reason behind our child’s behavior.
  • We connect before we correct.
  • We try to accept our child’s “big” emotions with compassion, which helps the child move past them.
  • We apologize and repair when we mess up.
  • We take responsibility for keeping our own “love cups” full, so we can pour our appreciation, acceptance and unconditional love into our child.

And we end up with more peaceful homes and hearts, a lot less drama, and a lot more love.”
