Do you wish your child(ren) would listen to you more? Are you at a loss as to how to make it happen? Do you want to understand why they act how they do?

Perhaps you’ve already heard of gentle parenting, and you’d like to find out more?

Take part in my programme of group parenting workshops.

  • Next programme start date: To be confirmed. Join the waiting list below!
  • 6 fortnightly group parenting classes, suitable for parents/caregivers with children of any age
  • 90-minute workshop, one evening fortnightly, via Zoom call or at a Bristol venue.
  • Attend all 6 workshops for optimal benefits (Online workshops will also be recorded and available by email).

These parenting classes will give you the foundations you need to create a more peaceful family life and strengthen your relationship with yourself and your child(ren).

See what’s included below.

JOIN THE WAITING LIST via this form.

What you will learn in my Group parenting workshops:

  • How your mind and body work
  • To be clearer about your values, intentions and boundaries
  • Tools and techniques to manage your triggers and stresses, and your child’s big feelings, effectively
  • What you can expect from your child
  • Ways to promote collaboration, respect and understanding
  • How to communicate empathically with your child, without the need for yelling or threats, to support peace, trust, and collaboration,
  • Techniques to help you and your child express anger in a healthy way

What’s included in my group parenting programme:

  • A nurturing and judgement-free parent coaching environment (maximum group size: 10 people)
  • Discussions about everyday parenting challenges and how you can handle them
  • Practical exercises in pairs/small groups
  • Accessible information about child development, brain and nervous system science, emotional intelligence and attachment theory,
  • Workbooks to complete in your own time to help you with your personal parenting journey
  • Access to a private Facebook group for indefinite support from peer workshop participants, and advice and support from me weekly following your enrolment on the programme.
  • A 20% discount of the next workshop/course you attend.

I look forward to working with you!

£120 for online workshops

£130 for in person workshops

Payment plans available (please ask in the form).

*Price is per person.

Not sure this is the right option for you?

Chat with me first via WhatsApp, or

Alternatively, why not sign up for the DIY Parenting course to complete at your own pace and keep forever, for £250!